Murfreesboro Medical Clinic will hold its 4th Annual Special Kids Race on Saturday, March 21st in the Murfreesboro Gateway beginning at 7:00 a.m. The race allows for 3,000 participants in the 15K, 5K, and One Mile Fun Run.
The 15K Run will begin at 7:00 a.m. at the north entrance of MMC at 1272 Garrison Drive. The 5K Run begins at the same location at 7:20 a.m. The One Mile Fun Run will begin at 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. behind the MMC building at the Gateway entrance. Since the One Mile Fun Run is not a timed event, it allows for parents and family members to run or walk with their children, including many of the children served by Special Kids.
Special Kids is a Christian, non-profit organization, providing therapeutic rehabilitation and professional nursing services to children with special needs. They offer physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, feeding therapy, nursing services, recreational therapy, art therapy, and a summer day camp. They serve children with special needs, ages birth to 21 years, who are referred by a physician.
Director of Marketing for MMC, Kimberly Smith, said, “Middle Tennessee loves this event and so do we! Last year we had to open the race up for even more participants and by doing so it has allowed us to grow the race substantially. This year we have currently raised $209,965. This community loves to run for a cause, and they have now made it possible for the Special Kids organization to reach many more children and their families. Past donations and funds have allowed them to open a new facility to accommodate additional unique services for special needs children in Rutherford County.”
Registration is now open and continues until all available spots are filled. Participants may sign up at and race fees vary depending on the chosen event. The website also allows for the purchase of a gift certificate for others to participate.
“We are especially grateful for the other sponsors that have helped make this race possible,” stated Joseph A. Peay, CEO of MMC. “It’s an honor to serve the children and families of our community. We’re certainly all in this together!” To register for the Special Kids Race or to make a donation, visit To speak to Special Kids about sponsoring, contact Stephanie Folkmann or Ginger Spencer at 615-893-4892 or email at