A woman is standing in front of a table with fruits and vegetables.

Common myths and truths about pregnancy nutrition

Get the facts about common pregnancy nutrition misconceptions - Learn the truth behind real pregnancy nutrition advice

A person is eating a salad with a fork

The facts about normal pregnancy weight gain

Although you're "eating for two," it's important to avoid the temptation to eat twice as much. - Learn more about proper pregnancy weight gain

A close up of a papaya cut in half on a white background

13 pregnancy superfoods

There are good foods to eat, and then there are superfoods. Learn which superfoods you should eat throughout your pregnancy to benefit both you and your baby. - Learn about 13 pregnancy superfoods

A close up of a soap bar next to a lemon

Prenatal multivitamins and the role they should play

Find out why, when, and how you should take prenatal multivitamins to supplement your daily nutrition intake. - Learn more about prenatal multivitamins

A close up of peanut butter and apples on a plate

Healthy pregnancy snacking when you're on the go

Get smart, simple ways to snack healthier all day long, throughout your pregnancy. - Learn more about healthy snacking options

A white bowl filled with nuts and raisins on a white background

Healthy food substitutions for your pregnancy cravings

Food cravings are very common during pregnancy. Here are ways to substitute more nutritious choices for less healthy cravings. - Learn more about how to make your cravings healthier

A woman in a white robe is holding her head in front of a mirror

Foods that help manage morning sickness

Nausea, also known as morning sickness, often can be related to what you are or are not eating. Here’s where you’ll learn how nutrition can help relieve symptoms of nausea. - Find out more about the connection between nausea and nutrition

A woman wearing glasses is rubbing her eyes.

Pregnant and tired: healthy ways to fight fatigue

Learn why you get fatigued so often during pregnancy, and get nutrition solutions to help you stay alert all day. - Learn more about how to reduce fatigue

A stack of crackers next to a glass of beer.

Tips for managing common pregnancy digestion symptoms

Learn how common pregnancy digestion symptoms, such as heartburn, constipation, gas, and bloating, can be managed with the help of smart, sensible nutrition choices. - Find out more about the link between nutrition and healthful pregnancy digestion

A woman is holding her stomach with her hand.

What you need to know about preeclampsia

Learn the facts about preeclampsia, and how to deal with it during preganancy. - Find out more about nutrition and preeclampsia

A heart shaped bowl of vegetables next to a fork

What you need to know about preeclampsia

Learn the facts about preeclampsia, and how to deal with it during preganancy. - Find out more about nutrition and preeclampsia

A pregnant woman in a purple dress is holding her belly.

Getting ready for labor and delivery of your baby

From timing contractions to delivering your baby, getting through labor will take a lot of energy and hard work. But you can make it through the final push healthy and strong. - Learn how you can prepare for giving birth

A close up of a pile of beans and vegetables on a table.

How dietary fiber can benefit your pregnancy digestion

Find out why getting your recommended daily amount of fiber is even more important when you are pregnant. - Learn more about how fiber can benefit your pregnancy

A man and a nurse are hugging a pregnant woman 's belly.

Delivery-day tips for expectant dads

There are several things Dad should know once you're at the hospital. Here's where he can learn what they are. - Get the full list of delivery-day tips for Dad

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