Prevention is the most effective form of healthcare. For that reason we recommend regular “check-ups”, also called EPSDT visits (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment) for every child. These visits are an important time to assess your child’s physical and nutritional status, as well as their intellectual and emotional development. We also share the latest recommendations about child health with you during these visits. Checkups can double as a sports physical, and we are happy to fill out sports and camp participation forms during these visits. We conveniently have a separate waiting area for newborns and for children here for check-ups.

Our pediatricians are experts in the care of sick children. We are trained to gently assess, diagnose, and treat infants, children, and adolescents in accordance with the latest recommendations. Should testing be necessary, MMC has an excellent clinical laboratory and radiology department conveniently located down the hall. Being part of the MMC family means that specialty care is available in our building and can often be consulted on the same day in urgent situations.

A logo for a patient - centered medical home.

MMC holds accreditation as a Patient-Centered Medical Home, acknowledging our commitment to providing the five fundamental elements of primary healthcare: comprehensive care, patient-centered evidence-based treatment, accessible services, and top-notch quality and safety. Evidence-based care is provided by following best practices and based on recommendations by various accredited organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics and Center for Disease Control.

Rutherford parent annual reader 's poll best of parenting 2023 winner

MMC Pediatrics is honored to be announced as the winner of Best of Parenting in 2023 in the Rutherford area under the category best Pediatrics.

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