Murfreesboro Medical Clinic, in Rutherford County, is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with arthritis, auto-immune diseases, various inflammatory diseases, as well as osteoporosis. Our skilled rheumatologists provide excellent clinical care for patients suffering from a range of symptoms including stiffness in the body, limited mobility and swollen joints.

With over 100 types of rheumatic and immunologic diseases, our board-certified rheumatologists use state-of-the-art techniques to diagnose and treat symptoms. Since each case is unique, we provide a tailored and custom treatment approach for each patient.

Some common symptoms of rheumatic diseases are:

  • Joint Pain, stiffness and swelling
  • Loss of range in motion in the joints
  • Morning stiffness in the joints lasting >45 minutes
  • Pain in muscles, tendons, or ligaments
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle Weakness

Our medical specialists integrate excellent medical care with comprehensive services in a caring environment. To schedule an appointment with one of our trusted providers please call 615-867-8200.

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