Although there are many screenings that can help find colorectal cancer, none is better than a colonoscopy. Early stages of colorectal cancer usually present with no symptoms. A colonoscopy is the only test to prevent colorectal cancer, with the unique ability to remove polyps before they turn into cancer.
Screening is recommended for the following:
Colonoscopies are very safe and effective. Preparations have improved, and are generally easier to tolerate than in the past. The procedure is performed with the patient sedated, and generally there is no pain during or after the procedure. Most patients will feel well upon leaving the SurgiCenter, get back to a regular diet that day and resume regular activities, such as work, the day after. Because of its effectiveness at finding precancerous polyps, a colonoscopy is the only test recommended at 10-year intervals.
If you are age 45 or older, it’s your turn. Request an appointment online or call 615-867-8070 to schedule your colonoscopy with MMC Gastroenterology.
For many years, age 50 was the recommended age to begin routine colorectal cancer screenings. However, recent studies have revealed an increase in incidence of colorectal cancer amongst people younger than age 50, which has led to updated screening recommendations.
The United States Preventive Services Task Force now recommends that adults begin screening for colorectal cancer at
age 45. Because of this new guideline, both private insurers and Medicare will soon be required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to cover the costs of your colorectal cancer screening when performed by an in-network provider starting at age 45. In fact, most already are! Just be sure to check with your insurance provider to confirm specific benefits before scheduling a procedure.
All colonoscopies are now performed at the Endoscopy Center of Murfreesboro Medical Clinic, located at our Westlawn location on Shores Road near Veterans Parkway and Interstate 840. The Endoscopy Center is a state-of-the art facility, accredited by the Joint Commission, dedicated to outpatient surgery and located in the same building as our office offering both convenience and cost savings.
Proper preparation for your colonoscopy is crucial for ensuring a safe and high-quality procedure. Visit our Colonoscopy Preps page to watch videos detailing the different types of preparation methods. Paten Pruitt, MSN, APRN, FNP-C will walk you through everything you need to know. These instructions are specifically designed to thoroughly clean your colon, allowing your doctor to clearly identify any growths, lesions, signs of colorectal cancer, or other abnormalities.