Throbbing, Pressure, Stuffy… YUCK!
There are many people far too familiar with the descriptionsof sinus pressure. Inflammation, puffiness, stuffy nose, and painful tendernessare just a few of the pesky side effects.
If chronic sinus infections plague someone more than 3 timesa year, there may be a root problem that can be solved.
Often the answer to chronic sinusitis (more than 3infections a year) is surgery, performed by an Otolaryngologist (ENT)specialist. Traditional sinus surgery is timeconsuming, invasive and typically requires a recovery period. But, what ifsomeone cannot afford down time? What if surgery must be avoided? Thepersistent sinus infections are sure to squander enough time.
The latest technology of Balloon Sinuplasty allows for a nodown-time, non-invasive procedure performed in an office setting. How? Asmall balloon is guided into the nasal passage and inflated to gently expandthe sinus cavity opening, which is then washed out and the balloon is removed.It is as simple as that!
Sound like relief? It could be the very solution to besthelp. Do not waste another moment allowing life to be hindered by theannoyances of sinusitis.
Murfreesboro Medical Clinic Otolaryngology (ENT) physiciansare ready to help solve the root of your problem so breathing is easy again.
Call 615.867.8110 or visit to set up aconsultation and learn more about this non-invasive, no down time procedure.
Your health is our mission.