Tips to Avoid Boredom and Stress Eating During Quarantine

Murfreesboro Medical Clinic • April 16, 2020

By Devon Cox, MMC Weight Loss and Wellness Nutrition Counselor

Being healthy is arguably more important than ever. Since we are all at home more during these uncertain times the urge to distract ourselves with food is great. With changed routines and greater accessibility to “snack” foods comes a greater likelihood to make poor choices in regards to food. Below are some suggestions to help you “stay on track”while staying safe at home.

1.)    Notice and redirect. Notice that you are eating because you are bored/stressed and redirect your behavior in to a positive activity. For example, go for a walk, read a book, learn a new language, play a game with your family, drink some water, or just trade in the chips and dip for a healthy alternative like veggies and hummus.

2.)    Eat foods that are nutrient dense to help you feel full. Foods like candy, chips, and other“bad stuff” does not give us a full feeling. Instead try opting for lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and nuts.

3.)    Fall in love with cooking healthy. Often times I hear “I don’t have time to cook.” Now, would be the perfect time to try out a new healthy recipe.

4.)    Plan for success. Make a daily meal plan or menu to help you stay on track. Sometimes just writing down a plan helps with sticking to a plan.

5.)    Manage your environment. If candy is not easily accessible then it is less likely to be eaten. Limit what gets brought into the home or place it on the higher shelf in the pantry.

6.)    Stay hydrated.Dehydration can negatively affect mood & energy level. Half your body weight in ounces is the recommended amount of water you should be drinking daily.

7.)    Don’t eat in front of the television. Being distracted while eating tends to lead to overeating.

8.)    Exercise!

9.)    Get an accountability partner to help you stay on track. Find a friend to chat with about health goals, or as always, we are here to help at MMC Weight Loss and Wellness.

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