Purchasing hearing aids for the first time starts you on a path of rehabilitation similar to other conditions that require someone to learn a new set of skills.
Very commonly, a person with hearing loss has forgotten everyday specific sounds such as the refrigerator hum, a clock ticking, the toilet flushing. Or even sounds that connect them to their world such as their grandchild’s laughter, the pastor at church, or hearing their friends at the local Bridge Club.
We’ve all been in a movie theater on a bright, sunny day. When we leave the dark theater and into the sunlight, it can be overwhelmingly bright. You reach for your sunglasses and shield your eyes, but this uncomfortable sensation only occurs for a few hours.
A similar sensation occurs when you wear hearing aids for the first time. You may not have experienced the “brightness” of hearing in a long time, and can be“overwhelmed” with all the renewed sounds. This is where the experience and knowledge from one of our Audiologists come into play. We can help you set appropriate expectations of your new hearing journey, allowing you to adapt and enjoy the experience. Adapting to your new hearing aids is not an overnight process. With patience, guidance, and effort, appropriate expectations can be set and learning to hear again can become a life changing experience.
By MMC Audiologist Megan Shissler, Au.D., CCC-A
Megan is originally from the western suburbs of Chicago, but is very excited to relocate to middle Tennessee with her husband. Megan earned her Doctorate of Audiology degree in 2013 from Illinois State University. Since then, she has worked for one of the top hearing aid manufacturers performing research and development for upcoming hearing aid technology and various ENT clinical settings across the Chicago land area. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her husband and stepson, cooking, shopping and cheering for the Chicago Cubs!