A logo for the voice center with a microphone in the background
A white background with a few lines on it

1272 Garrison Dr. Murfreesboro TN 37129

Also seeing patients at our new Westlawn location!

3325 Shores Rd. Murfreesboro TN 37128

Do you use your voice professionally?

At the Voice Center, we understand the importance of your voice in your livelihood and personal enjoyment. We see patients from a wide array of professions and hobbies that require them to use their voice more extensively and strenuously.

a woman is giving a presentation to a group of people

Many professions may include:

  • Singers
  • Actors
  • Teachers
  • Clergy
  • Salespersons
  • Coaches
  • Broadcasters
  • Auctioneers
  • Cheerleaders
  • Choreographers
  • Lawyers
  • Judges

Joe Noto Testimonial

Hear Joe's story and how the Voice Center at MMC saved his career in Country Music.

Joe Noto on Spotify

Comprehensive Care for Voice Disorders

We diagnose and treat the full spectrum of voice problems in adults and children.

Common Voice Complaints:

  • Hoarseness
  • Loss of voice
  • Voice weakness & fatigue
  • Throat pain
  • Acid reflux
  • Loss of vocal range

a man with a scarf around his neck is coughing

Diagnosis & Treatment

If your voice becomes disordered, it is medically necessary to seek treatment. Our expert team is skilled in diagnosing voice disorders and providing treatment plans.

Microsurgery for Vocal Cord Polyps and Cysts

Surgery may be recommended to remove noncancerous vocal cysts or vocal polyps. While you are under general anesthesia, tiny surgical instruments are inserted through your mouth into your throat. The surgeon makes a very small incision away from the vibrating edge of your vocal cord, and a tiny flap of tissue is lifted so the cyst or polyp can be removed. Also known as phonomicrosurgery, this technique reduces the risk of scarring and offers the best voice outcomes. A course of voice therapy after microsurgery is essential for optimal recovery.

a before and after picture of a vocal cord hemorrhagic polyp
a blue icon of a person in a circle on a white background .

Voice Therapy

Customized vocal exercises designed to restore your vocal quality, stamina, and range while also helping to heal vocal injuries and protect you against re-injury. Our voice specialists teach you to maintain vocal health as well as strategies to return you to your highest level of vocal performance.

a blue microphone icon in a blue circle on a white background .

Vocal Hygiene

Customized vocal exercises designed to restore your vocal quality, stamina, and range while also helping to heal vocal injuries and protect you against re-injury. Our voice specialists teach you to maintain vocal health as well as strategies to return you to your highest level of vocal performance.

a blue icon of a person in a circle on a white background .

Vocal Pacing & Rest

Finding a balance between voice use and voice rest every day is important if you have a voice problem that worsens with overuse. Vocal pacing means not talking or singing for small intervals during the day to allow your vocal cords to recover from vibration. If your profession makes heavy demands on your voice, it’s also important to take longer periods of voice rest outside of work. Without these recovery times, your vocal cords may be injured more quickly and heal more slowly. Vocal pacing is challenging but necessary, and your singing voice specialist will work with you to develop good strategies for vocal pacing while helping you get back to your singing baseline.

Meet Your Voice Experts

a man in a white coat with the name drew celmer on it

Dr. Andrew Celmer

Dr. Andrew Celmer is one of only a few specially trained voice doctors in the country. Having completed a fellowship in Laryngology and Professional Voice at the highly regarded UCLA School of Medicine, he has received training from the top physicians in this field. During his time in Los Angeles, Dr. Celmer had the privilege of working with some of the most recognizable names and voices in entertainment. Dr. Celmer then spent 12 years in Chicago where he was fortunate to provide concierge service for performers at the world’s oldest outdoor music venue – Ravinia. Realizing that Middle Tennessee is rich with vocal talent, Dr. Celmer relocated to continue his career. Dr. Celmer and his team of voice specialists emphasize patient-centered care and is an ENT at the Murfreesboro Medical Clinic. We all have a voice. The Voice Center at MMC is here to help yours be heard.

a woman wearing a white lab coat that says mmc on it

Melissa D. Kirby, M.S., CCC-SLP

Melissa is a speech-language pathologist specializing in the evaluation and treatment of voice and resonance disorders in both children and adults. She has also been an adjunct professor for Vanderbilt Graduate School, teaching the Craniofacial Anomalies course for 10 years. Melissa has treated many of the most famous names in all genres of the music industry over the last 24 years. She has also done on-the-road voice consulting as well as in the studio. She has spoken on many voice topics at numerous national, regional, and state conferences, and done in-services for music educators, church choirs, and other organizations.

Need to Schedule an Appointment?

a logo for the voice center with a microphone


1272 Garrison Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37129

Department of

the logo for murfreesboro medical clinic and surgical center
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